How We Give Back
A list of places we make donations to and how others can support them too.
Bk 2 Basics Melbourne

Bk 2 Basics operate a food pantry and hot meals service to people in need in South East Melbourne.
BrickNetty donate all of our non-LEGO brand bricks and parts to Bk 2 Basics for them to sell in their charity shop, Basic Treasures.
Since 2020, we have donated approximately 13kg of rescued bricks to Bk 2 Basics.
You can help Bk 2 Basics by making a tax-deductible financial contribution to help with the costs of operating their service.

Pinchapoo distribute much needed toiletries to people in need.
Since 2016, BrickNetty have been a collection point for Pinchapoo.
Every year we help to donate thousands of individual items.
The next time you pick up your order from us, or see us at a market, consider donating some unopened hotel or travel size toiletries.

Upparel recycle old clothes and fabric, not suitable for donation.
Since 2020, BrickNetty have recycled 18 boxes of textiles through Upparel.
Toys For Joy

In 2022, Big W rolled out their Toys for Joy program through a partnership with Terracycle.
Since 2022, BrickNetty have recycled 4.6 kg of broken/ completely unusable LEGO through Toys for Joy